Local Rules

1. OUT OF BOUNDS – Rule 18
A ball at rest is out of bounds only when all of it is :-
a. Beyond white posts or any hedges, fences, railings or walls defining the boundary of the course.
b. On the surrounds to the Club house including patio, adjacent paved areas and car parks.
c. On the practice putting green.

2. PENALTY AREAS – Rule 17
a. Penalty Areas are defined by red or yellow stakes.
b. The boundary of the Yellow Penalty Area marking the stream running across the course is where the ground falls away to the banks of the stream.

i. Ground Under Repair (GUR) – All GUR areas encircled by a white line are No Play Zones and relief MUST be taken.

ii. Immovable Obstructions
a. All internal constructions, including the built-up sides of teeing grounds.
b. Fixed sprinkler heads and drainage covers.
c. All defined paths on the course even if not artificially surfaced. A ball coming to rest on the pathway to the left of the 1st/10th green may be lifted and dropped without penalty in the designated dropping zone.
d. All trolley bays.
e. All staked trees, all planted areas and flower beds on the course - Relief MUST be taken as per 16.1f.

A ball coming to rest on a bridge crossing the stream is deemed to be in a No Play Zone that is treated as a penalty area. The ball may not be played as it lies and penalty relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 17.1e.

5. WRONG GREENS (Rule 13.1f)
Relief must be taken if a ball comes to rest on a wrong putting green or if that wrong putting green interferes with their stance or area of intended swing. The relief area also extends to an area of fairway/apron within two club-lengths from the edge of the wrong putting green.

6. Temporary local rules are shown on the golf noticeboard.

Match Play – Loss of Hole; Stroke Play – General Penalty (Two Strokes).


If there is an accident or your ball leaves the golf course boundary, you MUST report this immediately at the end of your round to the Club Manager by email (secretary@shgolf.co.uk) or phone (020 8894 0165, option 3). Please state your name, the hole number, the location from where the shot was taken and where you believe the shot may have landed. This information is required for safety reporting purposes only.

Short game practice area
Short iron play allowed only. Do not club for more than 100 yards. Only yellow low compression balls can be used