Safety on the Golf Course

Strawberry Hill Golf Course is a historic golf course that was planned before current design safety guidelines. Many tees and greens are very close together as are the centrelines of fairways. Golfers are put on warning that extra care is needed.

Particular attention MUST be paid by every golfer to ensure that if they are about to take a shot it is safe to do so

The course is surrounded by housing, a martial arts centre, a children’s playground and a junior school. Golfers are required to take extra care that shots played do not result in balls leaving the golf course which might damage or injure surrounding residents, their property or others in the vicinity.

If there is an accident or your ball leaves the golf course boundary, please ensure that you report this immediately by email or phone at the end of your round to the Club manager stating your name, the hole number and location on that hole from where the shot was taken and where you believe the shot may have landed.

Contact details for the Club manager (Peter Mutton) are as follows:
Email: and telephone: 0208 894 0165**

For your own and others’ personal safety whilst playing please also note the following safety statements/notices and guidelines:

• Playing golf on any terrain particularly with changeable ground conditions carries inevitable risks.
• All golfers are required to play by the Rules of Golf with special reference to Section 1 Etiquette.
• Please note and comply with all signage on the course (including the practice area and facilities).
• Directional signage is in place on the course, Deviation from indicated directions will be at the entire risk and responsibility of the individual.
• Do not walk from the car park onto the course across Hole 9 in order to access the teeing area for Hole 1– this is highly dangerous.
• Greenkeepers and course staff have priority on the course.
• Particular attention MUST be paid by every golfer to ensure that if they are about to take a shot it is safe to do so.
• Golfers should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like when they make a stroke or practice swing.
• Golfers should take extra care on steps and timber surrounds to tee boxes which may become slippery when wet and may be trip hazards.
• Some tees and bunkers have steeply sloping sides. The risk of slipping on these slopes is high. Always enter and leave from the lowest point and never take trolleys on to these slopes.
• There are narrow bridges and steep ditch banks on the course – take extra care in these areas.
• A brook/stream runs across the course. This stream is within the playing area of the course. The embankments to this stream are steep. Take particular care if entering this area to play a shot or retrieve a ball.
• The bridges which cross the brook are narrow – take extra care when crossing and with buggies and golf trollies in these areas.
• The course is heavily wooded – all golfers should pay attention to the possibility of rebounds from trees.
• Please ensure buggies & trolleys are always kept outside white lined areas.
• An audible warning will be sounded in case of course closure by virtue of high-risk weather conditions.


Whilst we want you to enjoy your round, Strawberry Hill Golf Club accepts no liability for any accident or damage caused by your not following the safety notices & guidelines whilst playing on our course.

You play this golf course having been made aware that a full risk assessment has been conducted which is available on request from the Club Manager.

Before playing the course, please ensure that you and others on whose behalf you are making a tee booking have taken the time to familiarise yourself/themselves with the course safety requirements (also summarised on the scorecard).

In making a booking you confirm and consent on your and their behalf to its content and all players compliance with the safety notices & guidelines whilst playing on our course.

If you have any doubt about your competency to play the course or your safety, please contact the Club Manager for assistance before completing your booking.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter.